Donate to the Project
We need some support and donation for this project. We are some developers who like to implement new things and like to re-engineer protocols but no big money spenders.
This means we need hardware:
- Phones we don't have:
- Cisco 7902 (Just different enough from a 7905/12 to have potential issues)
- Cisco 7910
- Cisco 7920 Wireless phone
- Cisco 7935/36 Conference station
- Cisco 7960
- The Kirk IP600 DECT gateway (or any non-cisco skinny phones)
- A CallManager installation either a voice router(1751V?) CCME or a LEGAL copy of CallManager (> 4.0) would greatly assist our work
- A cisco switch that supports autoconfiguration of VLAN's to assist in an experimental partial reimplementation of CDP
We would we happy if we receive a small financial donation from your side. Monatery donations should be sent via the sourceforge donation system (for prople in the US), or to my personal paypal account for those outside the US.
If you wish to make a hardware donation please e-mail me.
Please see the CONTRIBUTORS File in our CVS to see who have already donated/contributed to our work!